Name of Farmer
Contact Number
Select Regional/Feild Office
Select District
Select Tehsil
Mouza / Village
Name of Enumerator
Cultivation Acres 2023-24
Processing Code
Cost of Production 2023-24 (Section 1-A & Section 2-A)
Product Code | Area Under Cultivation | Seed (kg/acre) | Seed Cost(Rs/Kg) | Fertilizer Cost | Ploughing Cost | Pest/Weedicide Spray Cost | Irrigation Cost | Transportation Cost | Harvest Cost |
Sale of Crops & By-Products 2023-24 (Section 1-B & Section 2-B)
Sold at Farm Gate | Sold at Wholesale Market | ||||||||
Product Code | Unit of Qty | Qty Produced | Qty Retained | Qty | Value | Qty | Value | Transport | Wasteage |
Sale of Products Produced by Trees 2023-24 (Section 2-B [Trees])
Sold at Farm Gate | Sold at Wholesale Market | |||||||||
Product Code | Tree's Life | Unit of Qty | Qty Produced | Qty Retained | Qty | Value | Qty | Value | Transport | Wasteage |
Live Stock Sale/Purchase 2023-24 (Section 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 3-D, 3-E)
Select Animal
Select Animal Type
Select Sub-Category
Animal Sold
No. Value
On Eid
To Farmer
To Butcher
To Biopari
No. Value
Animal Purchased
In Possession
Green/ Dry Fodder (Kg/Month)
List of Added Animals
Animal Sold | Animal Purchased | In Possession | Consumption | |||||||||||
Code | Eid No. | Eid Val | Farmer No. | Farmer Val | Butcher No. | Butcher val | Biopari No. | Biopari val | No. | Value | No. | Value | Green Fodder | Dry Fodder |
Prices of Products of Live-stock 2023-24 (Section 4)
Type of Live-stock | Milk(Rs/Liter) | Wool & Hair(Rs/Kg) | Dung & Urine(Rs/Kg) |
Inputs Used for Live-stock 2023-24 (Section 5)
Input Description | Unit of Quantity | Value (Rs)/Month | No.of Months Used |
Investment Made for Different Purposes During 2023-24 (Section-6)
Purpose of Investment | Work Done by Farmer | Imputed Value (Rs) | Expenditure Incurred |
Miscellaneous Questions (Section-7)
Does the HH use animal for Ploughing/Planking? | |
Indicate total area ploughed/planked by animals: | |
Rate of ploughing/planking by animals per acre: | |
Does the HH posses Tractor or Tube wells? | |
No. of: | |
What is the life(in years) of Tractors and Tube wells? | |
What is the value of scrape in Rs? (Tractors and Tube wells) |