Study on Agricultural Input-Output Structure

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Name of Farmer
Contact Number
Select Regional/Feild Office
Select District
Select Tehsil
Mouza / Village
Name of Enumerator
Cultivation Acres 2023-24
Processing Code

Cost of Production 2023-24 (Section 1-A & Section 2-A)

Product Code Area Under Cultivation Seed (kg/acre) Seed Cost(Rs/Kg) Fertilizer Cost Ploughing Cost Pest/Weedicide Spray Cost Irrigation Cost Transportation Cost Harvest Cost

Sale of Crops & By-Products 2023-24 (Section 1-B & Section 2-B)

Sold at Farm Gate Sold at Wholesale Market
Product Code Unit of Qty Qty Produced Qty Retained Qty Value Qty Value Transport Wasteage

Sale of Products Produced by Trees 2023-24 (Section 2-B [Trees])

Sold at Farm Gate Sold at Wholesale Market
Product Code Tree's Life Unit of Qty Qty Produced Qty Retained Qty Value Qty Value Transport Wasteage

Live Stock Sale/Purchase 2023-24 (Section 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 3-D, 3-E)

Select Animal
Select Animal Type
Select Sub-Category
Animal Sold
No. Value
On Eid
To Farmer
To Butcher
To Biopari
No. Value
Animal Purchased
In Possession
Green/ Dry Fodder (Kg/Month)

List of Added Animals

Animal Sold Animal Purchased In Possession Consumption
Code Eid No. Eid Val Farmer No. Farmer Val Butcher No. Butcher val Biopari No. Biopari val No. Value No. Value Green Fodder Dry Fodder

Prices of Products of Live-stock 2023-24 (Section 4)

Type of Live-stock Milk(Rs/Liter) Wool & Hair(Rs/Kg) Dung & Urine(Rs/Kg)

Inputs Used for Live-stock 2023-24 (Section 5)

Input Description Unit of Quantity Value (Rs)/Month No.of Months Used

Investment Made for Different Purposes During 2023-24 (Section-6)

Purpose of Investment Work Done by Farmer Imputed Value (Rs) Expenditure Incurred

Miscellaneous Questions (Section-7)

Does the HH use animal for Ploughing/Planking?
Indicate total area ploughed/planked by animals:
Rate of ploughing/planking by animals per acre:
Does the HH posses Tractor or Tube wells?
No. of:
What is the life(in years) of Tractors and Tube wells?
What is the value of scrape in Rs? (Tractors and Tube wells)

DP Center, SS Wing, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Islamabad